The Halfmoon Township Real Estate Office collects Real Estate Taxes for Halfmoon Township, Centre County and State College Area School District. County/Municipality tax bills are issued annually on March 1st and supplemental bills are issued on February 1st and July 1st. If you fail to receive a tax bill in the mail, please call Brett G. Laird at (814) 692-9800 ext. 103 or email him at to have a copy emailed or mailed to you.
Important Dates
County/Municipality (Due by) | School (Due by) | ||
Discount Period | 2% Discount | April 30th | August 31st |
Face Period | No Discount/Penalty | June 30th | October 31st |
Penalty Period | 10% Penalty | December 31st | December 31st |
Policy if Tax Deadline Falls on Holiday
If the deadline falls on a holiday or weekend, payment will be accepted the following business day until 12:00 noon. Also, there is a drop box to the left of the office door for after hour or weekend drop off for taxes that residents can use to pay their bill by the deadline and avoid penalties.
Information on Postmarked Taxes
Real estate property tax payments must be received in the office or postmarked by the United States Postal Service (USPS) on or before the due date to avoid further penalties. The postmark date is used to determine if the payment was mailed on or before the tax deadline. The USPS only postmarks certain mail depending on the type of postage, and they may not postmark mail the same day you mailed it. If we receive a payment without a USPS postmark, we will consider it received on the date it physically comes into our office.
Tax Certifications
Tax certifications are available for a fee of $15.00 per parcel. Request can be submitted by email ( or mail-in (Halfmoon Township R/E Office, 100 Municipal Lane, Port Matilda, PA 16870). Payments can be made by check payable to “Halfmoon Township,” along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope if return receipt is requested. The Halfmoon Township Real Estate Office will provide Tax Certifications for Halfmoon Township, Centre County and State College Area School District.